Digital. Products. Revolution.

DataBaas is a relative young company, founded in 2018 by its 2 founders, who combine the best of both worlds, technical expertise with business & commercial know-how.

Our objective and motivation is to help organisations and entrepreneurs accelerate growth by building a qualitative digital Eco-system.

Our phylosophy

Open source

We strongly believe in the added value of Open Source technologies, software and platforms.
That is why we stick to our 80/20 rule, being 80% configuration and 20% development efforts.


We do not position ourselves as generalists who claim that we can do everything for your organisation.
We specialize as we believe only experts in specific domains can accelerate growth and offer true added value.


We integrate, we become one with your organisation and we act as an extension of your knowledge and expertise.
Only by becoming partners we are able to work towards a specific and shared objective.


We kindly welcome you to contact us and discover what DataBaas can do to support your business growth !